Travelers who travel frequently know that the flight fares are not permanently fixed. The flight fare keeps on fluctuating due to many reasons like seasons, festivals, days, etc. Usually, the flight fares go higher as departure time comes nearer. Before making a flight reservation, one should do a little bit of research and comparison. Many travel experts argue on the two main topics that are Tuesdays are the best day to book a flight whereas the others say that Tuesdays are not suitable for flight booking. Let us learn about this in detail through the information mentioned down below.
Do flight prices go down on Tuesday?-Get to know all information here
- The data that is collected in favor of Tuesdays are best to book a flight are highlighted below:
- Travel experts believe that most tickets get sold over the weekend, and then the airline checks the number of tickets sold, analyzes them, and then decides that flight fare for Tuesdays.
- On Tuesday morning, the airline staff checks all their competitors' prices and fixes the cost of flight accordingly.
- So passengers have many queries on do flight prices go down on Tuesday so travelers are advised to book the flight on Tuesday afternoon when the flight fare goes down as per this argument.
- The price tends to go up again on Friday till the weekend.
- Passengers can book their flight on Tuesday afternoon till Thursday as per this study as the travel experts are in favor of Tuesday flight booking.
The Argument for Other Weekdays
Whereas the other segment of travel experts do not agree upon the fact that Tuesdays are good to book a flight. They say that if a passenger books a flight on Tuesday at midnight, they can get an affordable deal. As per this argument, the points that are in favor is mentioned below:
- Sundays are the worst day to book a flight ticket.
- On Monday, passengers can book as per data showing the lower fare rates.
- This argument suggests passengers book tickets on Thursdays, especially international flights. The study found that most airlines lower their prices on Thursday.
- The data suggests passengers book the domestic flight as early as possible with the high volume routes.
- Hence, the study advised the passengers to book the flight on any day of the week, but Thursdays could be a better option.
Hope the above-detailed explanation will give you a deep knowledge of What Day of the Week Do Airlines Lower Their Fares based on two different opinions. Please read it carefully to make your decision to book a flight ticket. If you think Tuesdays are suitable then book a flight on that day and if you think other days are best to book the flight then go for it.
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